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Resident Engagement Strategy

My Block Manager has been designed to be the hub of your resident engagement strategy.

The Building Safety Act 2022 requires that a resident engagement strategy is developed for all higher-risk buildings (18m+) and the Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 also require that statutory fire and safety information is shared with all the occupants of buildings with more than two self-contained dwellings.

My Block Manager has been developed to include these requirements while remaining focused on the residents' needs to understand their building.

Information is clearly communicated and presented in clear, everyday language for everyone to understand. Multilingual translation is available in the system, along with font, contrast and other accessibility features.

Current guidance encourages the use of digital media to support communication with residents and to understand their concerns and opinions of the fire and safety arrangements in their building. My Block Manager embraces this guidance and provides a safe, secure and property specific digital platform as a home for your resident communications.

For residents and building users who don't have access to QR code enabled devices or the internet, there are simple options to provide the necessary and relevant information to them in other more traditional formats.